
namespace S2.CSS


Utility functions for CSS parsing, color normalization and tweening.


  • LENGTH #

    Regular expression for a CSS length, for example 12px, 8.4in, 13% or 0.

  • NUMBER #

    Regular expression for a CSS numeric value, for example '+12.90', '-2' or '21.5'.

Class methods

  • colorFromString #

    S2.CSS.colorFromString(color) -> String
    • color (String) – Color in #abc, #aabbcc or rgba(1,2,3) format

    Returns a normalized color in the #aabbcc format.

    • #abc -> Expanded to #aabbcc
    • #aabbcc -> not changed
    • rgb(1,2,3) -> Expanded to #010203
    • other input -> not changed

    This method does not support HTML color constants.

  • interpolate #

    S2.CSS.interpolate(property, from, to, position) -> Number | String
    • property (String) – CSS property name to interpolate (e.g. 'font-size')
    • from (String | Number) – Original value
    • to (String | Number) – Target value
    • position (Number) – interpolation position between 0 (original) and 1 (destination)

    Returns the value for an arbitrary position between two CSS property values. The type of interpolation will be automatically choosen based on the the CSS property. Positions less then 0 and greater than 1 are possible.

    S2.CSS.interpolate('font-size', '14px', '18px', 0.5) -> '16px'
    S2.CSS.interpolate('background-color', '#abc', '#def', 0.5) -> '#c4d5e6'
    S2.CSS.interpolate('opacity', 1, 0, 0.75) -> 0.25
    S2.CSS.interpolate('zIndex', 1, 10, 0.75) -> 8

    To generate a list of supported CSS properties and types, use:

      return v[0].underscore().dasherize(r)+' ('+v[1]+')';
    }).join(', ');
  • interpolateColor #

    S2.CSS.interpolateColor(from, to, position) -> String
    • from (String) – Original color in #abc, #aabbcc or rgba(1,2,3) format
    • to (String) – Target color in #abc, #aabbcc or rgba(1,2,3) format
    • position (Number) – interpolation position between 0 (original) and 1 (target)

    Returns a color in #aabbcc format for an arbitrary position between two colors. Positions less then 0 and greater than 1 are possible.

    S2.CSS.interpolateColor('#ffffff', '#000000', 0.5) -> '#808080'

    This method does not support HTML color constants as input values.

  • interpolateInteger #

    S2.CSS.interpolateInteger(from, to, position) -> Number
    • from (Number) – Original number
    • to (Number) – Target number
    • position (Number) – interpolation position between 0 (original) and 1 (destination)

    Returns a number rounded to the next integer for an arbitrary position between two numbers. Positions less then 0 and greater than 1 are possible.

    S2.CSS.interpolateInteger(1, 5, 0.5);  -> 3
    S2.CSS.interpolateInteger(2, 4, 0.1);  -> 2
    S2.CSS.interpolateInteger(1, 10, 2);   -> 19
    S2.CSS.interpolateInteger(1, 2, -0.5); -> 1
  • interpolateLength #

    S2.CSS.interpolateLength(from, to, position) -> String
    • from (Number) – Original CSS length
    • to (Number) – Target CSS length (unit must be the same as in the from argument)
    • position (Number) – interpolation position between 0 (original) and 1 (destination)

    Returns a CSS length for an arbitrary position between two CSS lengths. Positions less then 0 and greater than 1 are possible.

    S2.CSS.interpolateLength('12px','18px',0.5)-> '15px'
    S2.CSS.interpolateLength('10%','30%',0.7) -> '24%'
  • interpolateNumber #

    S2.CSS.interpolateNumber(from, to, position) -> Number
    • from (Number) – Original number
    • to (Number) – Target number
    • position (Number) – interpolation position between 0 (original) and 1 (destination)

    Returns a number for an arbitrary position between two numbers. Positions less then 0 and greater than 1 are possible.

    S2.CSS.interpolateNumber(1, 2, 0.5)  -> 1.5
    S2.CSS.interpolateNumber(1.5, 4.5, 0.1) -> 1.8
    S2.CSS.interpolateNumber(1, 10, 2)   -> 3
    S2.CSS.interpolateNumber(1, 2, -0.5) -> 0.5
  • normalize #

    S2.CSS.normalize(element, style) -> Object
    • element (Element) – The element on which the styles will be applied.
    • style (Object | String) – The styles to be applied to the element.

    "Normalizes" the given CSS by removing lines that will have no effect on the element. For instance, will remove "width: 200px" from the style if the element is already 200px wide.

  • normalizeColor #

    S2.CSS.normalizeColor(color) -> Array
    • color (String) – Color in #abc, #aabbcc or rgba(1,2,3) format

    Returns the value of a CSS color as a RGB triplet:

    • #abc -> [170, 187, 204]
    • #aabbcc -> not changed
    • rgb(1,2,3) -> [1, 2, 3]
    • #xyz -> [NaN, NaN, NaN]

    This method does not support HTML color constants.

  • parseStyle #

    S2.CSS.parseStyle(string) -> Object

    Takes a string of CSS rules and parses them into key/value pairs. Shortcut properties, colors and opacity settings on IE are normalized.


    S2.CSS.parseStyle('font-size:11px; border:12px solid #abc; border-left-width: 5px') ->
      borderBottomColor: '#aabbcc',
      borderBottomWidth: '12px',
      borderLeftColor:   '#aabbcc',
      borderLeftWidth:   '#5px',
      borderRightColor:  '#aabbcc',
      borderRightWidth:  '12px',
      borderTopColor:    '#aabbcc',
      borderTopWidth:    '12px',
      fontSize:          '11px'
  • serialize #

    S2.CSS.serialize(object) -> String
    • object (Object) – An object of CSS property-value pairs.

    Converts an object of CSS property-value pairs into a string suitable for setting an element's cssText property.

  • vendorizeProperty #

    S2.CSS.vendorizeProperty(property) -> String
    • property (String) – A CSS property.

    Converts a non-vendor-prefixed CSS property into its vendor-prefixed equivalent, if one exists.


    //-> "-moz-border-radius" (if the user is running Firefox)
    S2.CSS.vendorizeProperty('width'); //-> "width"
    S2.CSS.vendorizeProperty('narf');  //-> "narf"